Fleetwood Mac — Go Your Own Way download video

Fleetwood Mac — Go Your Own Way

"Go Your Own Way" is a song written by Lindsey Buckingham and performed by Fleetwood Mac. It is one of the band's most enduring hits.

It was the first single to be released from the highly successful album, Rumours, which was to be released in February 1977 and peaked at number ten on the Billboard Hot 100. It is ranked #119 on Rolling Stone's list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, one of the group's two entries along with "Rhiannon (Will You Ever Win)", and is on The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's 500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll list. The song appeared as a playable track in the music video games Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero: World Tour.

Buckingham wrote this song with regard to his bandmate Stevie Nicks, with whom he had just ended a romantic relationship. It describes their breakup, with the most obvious line being, "Packing up, shacking up is all you want to do." Nicks insisted she never shacked up with anyone when they were together, and wanted Lindsey to take out the line, but he refused.

The Fleetwood Mac — Go Your Own Way clip can be downloaded for free and without registration.

Size111.28 Mb
Duration3:34 min
Artist Fleetwood Mac
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