Sinead O'connor — Nothing Compares 2 U

"Nothing Compares 2 U" is a song written in mid-1981 by Prince for The Family. In 1990, Irish singer Sinéad O'Connor re-recorded the track and included it on her second album I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got, bringing the song to worldwide prominence. The subject of the song is actress Susannah Melvoin. The song's music video was a hit on MTV. The single topped the charts worldwide, including the United States, UK and Australia.

The Sinead O'connor — Nothing Compares 2 U clip can be downloaded for free and without registration.

Size63.1 Mb
Duration5:05 min
Artist Sinead O'Connor
Genres alternative rock, downtempo
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Marina Anderfelt01 august 2023, 03:39

It reminds me of my late husband as nothing compares to him.

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