Foster The People — Style download video

Foster The People — Style

The song’s poppy vibe with slightly dark lyrics reflects back to the band"s first record "Torches" released in 2011. This song is mainly about the relationship people have with death and the fear of it while still maintaining the urge to live while you can and choose your own path.

FTP frontman Mark Foster shared his thoughts on the single in an interview with Substream Magazine:

"I’ve been wrestling with certain themes since we put out Torches. I guess it’s my way of processing the law of chaos and random happenings in our universe. There is hope for the underdog.
I like to fight from the ropes. I never like to feel like I’m on top of the hill. This song is another facet of that same story.

The Foster The People — Style clip can be downloaded for free and without registration.

Size104.39 Mb
Duration3:45 min
Artist Foster the People
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