Imagine Dragons — Believer

“Believer” is about deriving love and goodness from pain and sadness. Pain has pushed the singer through good and bad times and made them stronger, healthier, and more motivated. Dan Reynolds says that while Smoke+Mirrors was written during a very dark time in his life, Believer and the rest of Album 3 represent his transition from that darkness to “a place of color and reflection and emotion."

The song marked the end of Imagine Dragons' hiatus following the release of their 2015 sophomore album Smoke + Mirrors.

The Imagine Dragons — Believer clip can be downloaded for free and without registration.

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Size68,4 Mb
Duration03:37 min
Artist Imagine Dragons

Hesel01 july 2023, 12:32

That's one of the best songs. I♥U Imagine Dragons. Thanks a lot for your songs:*

Sasikala11 june 2023, 20:15

Always i like the song

zablon27 may 2023, 13:44

Very good

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