Bob Dylan — Tangled Up In Blue

"Tangled Up in Blue" is a song by Bob Dylan. It appeared on his album Blood on the Tracks in 1975. Rolling Stone ranked it #68 on their list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.
It was originally recorded in Nashville TN. with Eric Weisberg and Deliverence, A bluegrass band. However
Bob didn't really like the way it turned out so..When he traveled to the Twin Cities where his mother and brother live for a visit, he decided to re-record it with two session guys from Minneapolis, Billy Peterson and Bill Berg,
(Bass and Drums) Both were and still are First call musicians. It was recorded in three short days at Sound 80

The Bob Dylan — Tangled Up In Blue clip can be downloaded for free and without registration.

Size138.73 Mb
Duration4:27 min
Artist Bob Dylan
Genre folk rock
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