Fine Young Cannibals — She Drives Me Crazy

"She Drives Me Crazy" is a song recorded by the Fine Young Cannibals, included on their 1989 album The Raw and the Cooked. The song peaked at #5 in the band's native UK in January 1989 before hitting #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in the U.S. on April 15, 1989. It also made number 3 on the Dutch Top 40. A remixed version was released in 1997.

During a short time in 1999, the song was used temporarily (because of legal issues with the theme song) as the theme for Rush Limbaugh's radio show, and is currently used by WSB Radio's Clark Howard.

The unique snare drum "pop" sound was created by recording the snare drum portion separately. A speaker was then placed on top of the snare drum, and a microphone below. The original recording of the snare drum part was played back through the speaker and re-recorded.

The Fine Young Cannibals — She Drives Me Crazy clip can be downloaded for free and without registration.

Size74.55 Mb
Duration3:37 min
Artist Fine Young Cannibals
Genres rock, pop, new wave, pop rock
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